Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Felt Halloween Countdown

I have been wanting to make a couple more Halloween countdowns, since I have three kids, I want one for each of them - that way they don't have to wait three days for their turn, we can rotate between the three countdowns. You can find the first countdown here. This is the second one I have made. Hubby made this board for me last year for my Thanksgiving advent calendar. So I wanted to utilize this board. I love how it turned out. My kids are loving it too. The third countdown can be found here.

I started out by cutting my felt pieces 2 1/2" x 3" - I cut 62 of them.

I then took two of my pieces of felt and put them together, then using my pinking sheers I cut the top of the felt. I wanted my pockets to look like mini trick-or-treat bags.

I then took my embroidery thread and sewed the bag together leaving the top open.

I then decorated my little bag with stickers, I also used stickers for my numbers. Everything has stuck thus far, the things that weren't stickers I just used my glue gun to adhere those onto my felt.

Last thing was I added ribbon for the handle.

And there it is, ready to fill with treat, notes, coupons or whatever suites you and your family.

Love how it turned out.

Picture with the pockets filled.


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